Real Leather Vs. Faux Leather Jackets: A Detailed Comparison


Real Leather Vs. Faux Leather Jackets
For generations, real leather jackets have been outshining faux options because of their timelessness and a hint of rebellion. Still, there is an undeniable debate between real and faux leather jackets. Faux leather jackets are more affordable, but real leather remains the gold standard. 

If you are wondering why real leather jackets are better than faux leather jackets, we share some reasons you cannot deny. So, here is a detailed comparison of real leather vs. faux leather jackets. 

Quality and Durability

The real leather jacket is top-notch in durability and quality compared to the faux options. 

To begin with, real leather is a natural material prepared from animal hides. The hide undergoes a long tanning process, which makes it resistant to punctures, tears, and abrasions. On the contrary, faux leather is made from PVC or PU, which are basically plastics, leading to not-so-much durability. 

The real leather jackets are made from top-grain or full-grain leather. This allows the jackets to retain their thickness and natural strength, so the jackets will maintain their shape. On the other hand, faux leather uses synthetic material, which tends to crack and peel, so it will lose shape. 

On top of everything, real leather will age. Real leather develops a patina with time, increasing the richness and sheen. This natural process happens when the real leather is exposed to sunlight and body oils. It will add character and depth to the jacket, so it will look even better with time. 

However, faux leather doesn't change its appearance and remains flat. Also, it starts looking worn out, reducing its aesthetic appeal. 

Environmental Impact

We all love the sheen and depth of real leather jackets, but we have to address the environmental impact of the elephant in the room. For the longest time, real leather has been criticized because of its industry's negative contribution to the environment. 

For this reason, faux leather is touted as a sustainable option. However, it is made from petroleum-based plastics. This means that non-renewable resources and intensive amounts of energy are used. In addition, faux leather isn't biodegradable. Consequently, it will fill the landfills for years and release harmful chemicals into the environment. 

Having said that, real leather is the byproduct of livestock. It is made with materials that would go to waste if not used. In addition, if real leather is taken care of, it lasts for decades. You won't have to replace it repeatedly, so no landfill waste. 

Comfort and Fit

These are two important factors when investing in clothes. The good thing is that real leather jackets provide these benefits. 

First, the real leather has breathability, unlike the synthetic or faux leather. This means better air circulation, so you will remain cool even when the weather gets warm. There will be no sticky feeling that's common with plastic-based jackets.

There are natural fibers in real leather jackets, which start fitting to your body when you wear regular clothing. As a result, wearing the jacket will become more and more comfortable. However, the faux leather jackets feel very restrictive and stiff. 

Secondly, real leather cannot maintain the rigidity like faux leather. This means that real leather jackets will adapt to your body. The natural fibers will soften up and mold to your body's contours. This means you can enjoy a customized fit that complements your figure. It also promises a put-together and polished look you cannot achieve with faux leather jackets. 

Style and Timelessness

Leather jackets aren't meant for fast fashion because they are timeless and promise versatility. A real leather jacket is a sign of individuality, rebellion, and timelessness, which adds an edge to your outfit. 

The best thing about real leather jackets is that they are versatile. You can wear it with denim pants and your favorite t-shirt for a casual weekend attire. You can also dress it up with a formal button-down and slack pants for a formal night out. It is versatile because leather has a natural sophistication that can upscale any outfit you want. 

We recommend getting your hands on bomber, biker, and trench coat in real leather material. That's because these pieces will always be in fashion. 


When it comes to the jacket race, real leather jackets bag the crown. These jackets are more than about fashion because they are about having pieces that you can depend on. These jackets are timeless and promise durability and comfort. Also, the versatility promises an unmatched experience. 

Having said that, the faux leather jacket might seem to be affordable and "sustainable," but it has limitations. On the other hand, the real leather jacket will be an investment that doesn't disappoint and will actually look better as the time passes!


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